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Air Tank / Quick Fill Tire Gauge
- Install your style air quick change fitting in the brass push-button valve (1/4” NPT).
- Connect your quick change fittings to the end of the red hose and in the filler gauge (1/4”NPT).
- Open the black master valve – turn counterclockwise (MUST be open).
- Connect your air supply line. Push the button valve. The air tank should fill in less than 10 sec.

Filler Tire Pressure Gauge
- Connect Filler/Gauge to short red air line from tank.
- Hold chuck on tire valve stem. Use lever to add air. Release to see pressure on gauge. Bleed off excess pressure with button on side of gauge.
Misc. Other Notes:
- Filler gauge can and should be used as your regular tire gauge for consistency.
- When used without tank, air can be bled rapidly from the tire by pushing the lever rather than the bleed button.
- Always use “dry” air. Drain the tank as needed to prevent moisture buildup.
- NEVER EXCEED 125 psi.
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