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Temperature Compensated Digital Tire Pressure Gauge

 Quick Start Instructions

TO TAKE PRESSURES:  Turn unit on (auto-Zeros at turn-on). If Zero is needed quickly tap ON/OFF button. To turn off hold ON/OFF button 1 sec. True Factory Calibrated pressure will be shown.

TO SAVE PRESSURE TO THE DISPLAY:  Push STORE MEMORY button. Start at the Right Front, then the RR, LR, then LF. To clear all temps push & hold STORE MEMORY button for 3 seconds.

TO TAKE TIRE TEMPERATURES:  Push MODE button. Display will change to temperature. Plug the probe into the gauge on the right side. Note wide and narrow spades. Take temps as usual.

TO SAVE TEMPS ON THE DISPLAY:  Take temps as you normally would - first on the outside edge, the center, then inside edge. Push STORE MEMORY button at each point when temp stabilizes. Start at the Right Front, then the RR, LR, then LF. To clear all temps hold STORE MEMORY 3 sec.

TO TAKE TEMPERATURE COMPENSATED TIRE PRESSURES (in the pits - before the race): Insert the probe into the tire tread area much as you would if you were taking temps coming off the track. When temp is stable push the LOCK TEMP button. Pressures will now be compensated or corrected back to a standard temperature. Push LOCK TEMP to reset, then repeat for next tire. To return to True Factory Calibration push LOCK TEMP button again.



 Complete Detailed Instructions


TO TAKE PRESSURES: Turn unit on (auto-Zeros at turn on). If Zero is needed quickly tap ON/OFF button. To turn off hold ON/OFF button 1 sec. True factory calibrated pressure will be shown. Be sure TRUE FACTORY Calibration is on the display in the lower right. If not push LOCK TEMP button.


Temperature compensated tire gauge pressures  

TO SAVE THIS PRESSURE TO THE DISPLAY: Push STORE MEMORY button. That pressure will be stored on the display. Start at the Right Front, then the Right Rear, Left Rear, then Left Front. Once you have all 4 pressures no more can be stored without clearing. If you have stored the wrong pressure push and hold STORE MEMORY 2 seconds. The last reading will be cleared. Release button and retake pressure. To clear all 4 continue to hold STORE MEMORY for 3 seconds.


TO TAKE TIRE TEMPERATURES: Push MODE button. Display will change as shown. Take temps as you normally would. Insert the probe into the tire to the same depth each time, on the outside edge, the center, then inside edge.


  Temperature compensated tire gauge temperatures



TO SAVE TEMPS ON THE DISPLAY (all 12 if desired): Take temps as you normally would. Insert the probe into the tire - first on the outside edge, the center, then inside edge. Wait until temp stabilizes. Push STORE MEMORY button at each point. Start at the Right Front, then the Right Rear, Left Rear, then Left Front (this is the order the temps are saved to the display). Once you have 12 temps no more can be saved without clearing. If you have saved the wrong temperature push and hold STORE MEMORY 2 seconds. The last reading will be cleared. Release button and retake temp. To clear all temps ontinue to hold STORE MEMORY button for 3 seconds.


TO TAKE TEMPERATURES AND TIRE PRESSURES AT THE SAME TIME:  Save valuable practice time and get your pressures and temps as fast as possible. Start at the Right Front and take tire temps, saving them on the display as described above (remember to start at the outside of the tire, then center, then inside - this is how it is saved to the display). When you have the 3 temps push the MODE button to switch to the Pressure Mode. Take the pressure as usual and save it on the display - described above. Move on to the Right Rear, Left Rear, and Left Front, taking pressures and temps at the same time. When done all 12 temps and 4 pressures will be displayed to analyze or record.

 How Temperature Compensation Works

This Professional Tire Pressure Gauge will measure and store on the display 4 tire pressures and 12 tire temps in the traditional way.

It will also (optionally) compensate or correct tire pressures back to a standard temperature. The pressures you set before the race determine the critical pressures on the track. The ultimate temperature on the track will be the same regardless of the starting temperature. If you set starting pressures at different temperatures you will get different and inconsistent track pressures. For example if you set one at 32.3 psi at 80° and you later set it at the same 32.3 psi but at 95° (tires sat in the sun) the pressure, if it cooled down to 80°, would be 31.0 psi. Would that 1.3 psi make a difference on your car? With this gauge you can measure the tire temp (in the pits before the race) and the gauge will (optionally) correct the pressures as if you set them all at the same standard temperature.

TO TAKE TEMPERATURE COMPENSATED TIRE PRESSURES: (compensated or corrected back to a standard temperature) Connect the tire probe included on the lower right side of the gauge. Note the wide and narrow spades (if connected backwards the unit will read backwards). The wide spade is toward the top. Insert the probe into the tire tread area much as you would if you were taking temps off the track. Allow a few seconds to stabilize. Now push the LOCK TEMP button. The display will change as shown and the gauge’s microprocessor will now compensate or correct the pressures as if the tire was at 80° F (this may not be the actual pressure at that point). Adjust the tire pressure as needed. To do the other tires repeat the above procedure. Push LOCK TEMP to reset (returns to TRUE FACTORY Calibration), then use probe and LOCK TEMP again to lock the new temp. If you are absolutely sure all tires are at the same temp you can skip the probe and LOCK TEMP on the other tires.

Temperature compensated tire gauge display 

To return to true factory calibration push LOCK TEMP button again. True Factory Calibration will appear in the lower right of the display.



  • Adjustable probe tip - adjust probe depth as prefered & tighten lock nut against body. CAUTION: To read temps quickly it MUST be small & delicate and can be broken easily. Use yellow protector.
  • Low batt indicator shows on display. Replace battery on back with a quality 9 volt Alkaline. Battery life is approx. 25 hours. An auto-shutoff shuts gauge down after 1 hour.
  • Must say “TRUE FACTORY Calibration” on lower right of display for correct (uncompensated) readings.
  • Backlight shortens battery life somewhat. See button to right of display. Auto-shutoff after 2 minutes.
  • Keep clean and dry. Avoid strong magnetic fields (caster camber gauge magnetic adapters?).
  • 3 air bleed buttons - use just 1 or all 3 for faster bleed-off.


  • In normal pressure mode press MODE and hold 5 seconds. Will stay until changed again.
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