Green Wire - to “Tach” output on ignition box or to negative side of coil on non- electronic points systems. NEVER connect directly to a
plug or coil wire!
Black Wire - to ground (MUST be connected even if Red wire for back light is not used). Be sure it is connected to a solid ground. Most
problems are caused by a poor ground.
Red Wire - (optional) - for backlight (connect so it shuts off with ignition). This also operates the high RPM warning system (see
Tach comes on automatically when the engine starts. It shuts off 10 seconds after engine shuts off (highest RPM is not lost). See below
to set up High RPM Warning. Tach will come on without ignition turned on to change settings and to recall.
Push the “Recall” button. It will recall highest RPM and holds that number (display flashes to indicate recall). Push again to recall the
last low RPM. Push recall again to recall average low RPM. Push again to resume normal tach operation. Tach will reset to normal
operation after it shuts down (RECALL RPM is not lost).
Note: You can push “Recall” before going on the track and the tach will constantly display the highest RPM reached to that point without
pushing Recall again. It does not show active RPM once RPM drops below highest point. Push Recall 3 times to resume normal tach
To erase old RPM’s press Recall and then hold the Reset button. This will erase the high and low recalls that are visible on the screen. To
ensure all have been erased tab through each recall and hold Reset. You will know you are in recall mode by the flashing MAX triangle
on the left hand side of the readout.
Push Reset and Recall at the same time and hold 5 seconds. Display will change to below (reverts to normal function 5 seconds after
last button is pushed - you can start over if needed). Use Recall button to select what number to change and Reset button to change the
number. When all the numbers are flashing the Reset button will advance to the RPM warning selection. The first digit (4) is for 2 or 4
cycle. Second is number of cylinders (8C is for 8 cylinder). Press the Reset button to advance to the RPM setting.
Next is the high RPM warning. This lets the driver know if he is overreving the motor. THIS IS NOT AN RPM LIMITER. When all the
numbers are flashing the Recall selects the number you would like to change and the reset button changes the number. Once the first
number is set press recall to advance to the second number and then to the 3rd number. After the first 3 numbers are set and all 5
numbers are flashing the Reset button advances you to the brightness selection. The Recall button again selects the first number. The
Reset button then changes from 1-5 on the brightness scale. Once the brightness is set press the recall button to make all the numbers
flash. After you have set all the settings press and hold the Recall and Reset button to return to normal mode or wait for the tach to
power off.
0-10,000 RPM (19,000 on #44402) accurate to 10 RPM
NOTE: Ths tach is reasonably water resistant but should be covered or removed before pressure washing car.